

Hey, you’re in the music, marketing or the social media industry right? 


And you have probably seen Facebook flood with live video’s ever since the feature got installed three years ago. Well we’ve seen it to. And are one of those companies that made a business out of it. 


Broadcast has been around for ages. Since the start of television, video creators have been capturing live content and broadcasting it to living rooms across the globe. But now at the peak of social media and online advertising, video creators have the opportunity to show their content all over the web. And that’s a good thing! Because you no longer have to ask your audience to watch tv at a certain hour anymore but can broadcast it to their mobile phones and laptops. Or can just ask them to watch it later. 


As PowerBox we do just that. We’re a team of video creators and music lovers. (So you get why we’re doing this right?) We offer quality multicam livestreams (because “Quality wins!”) to anyone involved with the music industry at a fair price and help you achieve the maximum amount of viewers while we’re doing it! 


So sit back and we’ll tell you how we get the best result for you